A Holyday as a child
Hi everyone I don't remember my first holyday with my family, but i remember that every summer holyday (when i was a kid) my parents took me and my little brothers to our matern grandma house in Quilvo Alto (too rural for me), near Curicó. I've two "little" brothers, José Tomás and Vicente, they're nowadays 17 and 16 years old respectively. at left José Tomás. At the center my littlest brother At grandma house, we played (and fought) a lot between us. We used to play around of my grandma house, in the forest near searching snakes and "cocodriles" (Little lizards that nowaday still scaring me. cos i just simply don't like it). We played a lot too at the little pool that my grandma has. I remember sometimes that we done some horse riding with my grandfather and some "tours" around the terrain on the old Vespa of my mother (i loved that little bike, but nowadays its abandoned there, cos it broke down :( some years ago) The "forest"...