Places in London that i would like to visit some day

 Hi mates, today im gonna talk you about some places in london, UK, that i think i would like to visit someday

In first place, i would like to visit the tower bridge, and watch near the Thames River, the great Big Ben and of course the Westminster palace. Some common tourist places.

i would like to tour old neighborhoods, especially Soho neighboorhood, more precisely Berwick Street, cos' there, Oasis taked the picture, that was the cover of their second album (and most famous one) "What the story? (Morning Glory)".

 I would like to visit of course, the Londom tower and watch the old prison there. Other things that i would like to do are: visit old churches, some old castles, and go to imperial war musseum, to see old weapons, rifles, swords and other stuff of this kind.

I know that probably London has lots of other greats places, but this are that i would like to visit more, and of course visit other cities, and countries near, like Edimburg in Scotland, with his very beautiful (and old) Castle.


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