A very good Friend

 Hi mates, today im gonna talk you about one of my best's friends, his name is Ignacio, but everyone calls   him (including me) "Chona". I met him at school, he was from another section, but when we reached secondary, my school mixed the sections, he was sitting behind me, so in very little time, we started to talk about videogames, football and that kind of stuff (typical) , and later we become friends. He lives near to my house, so we visited each other lot of times, and of course we played (a lot) videogames together, mostly Minecraft, where we built very big structures, like the Big Ben.

(A lil church that we built some time ago hahahah).

The other thing that we done a lot was playing football, we played in the same position (defense) so we shared the task of be the defenders of our team, we played very well, and complements very well too, cos he was more tecnical with the ball than me, but i was more faster chasing the players of the other teams. 

He was more like Maldini and i was more a Marco Materazzi type player (of course keeping the distance of talent with them jaja).

Another thing that we shared in common was music, we both like rock and pop kind of music, but he also like metal bands like Pantera, Megadeth (i just simply dont like that music :P) 

I didn't see him for a while, i think minimun two months, we are both studying, some we dont have many time to share, and he is gonna be father soon, so he has more responsabilities, but i hope i will see him soon, probably playing football.



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