Something I did in the recess week

 Hi mates

Last weekend i didn't do anything special, cos a i had a very strong cold that put me in bed for about three days. So, im gonna talk you about what i did in our recess week.

I went to my grandma house in Quilvo Alto, Romeral, Maule Region, but not only for seeing my grandma and cousins, i went there to obtain my class B driver license. I was very nervous, cos if i fail in anyone of the tests, i had to wait about twenty five days to repeat it. Failure wasn't in my plans, so i used to study a lot the driver manual on the weekend before.

The tests were on thursday, so i used to practice my "driver skills" on the mornings of tuesday and wednesday with my grandfather. I wasn't a good experience, again i was nervous, the weather there is not very good at all, cause the early hours of the day are painfully cold, in fact ¡There was ice in the windshield of the car! so i had to drive slowly and very carefully . (now i know, how i got that cold, i wasn't prepared for minus 0 C° temperatures jaja).

The "great day" of the tests finally arrived, but first i had to visit the doctor there to check my sight, and my reflexes, everything went ok, next: the theoric test, thirty five questions and you cannot have more that five mistakes. I passed too, i only mistaked in two questions, i was near...

When i passed the theoric, there in the office, they said me that i must return next day to do my final practice test, in that moment i wasn't nervous, the opposite thing, i was excited.

Friday arrived, and i must say, the final test was easy, maybe because, that place is relatively rural, so there are not many vehicles in the streets, but the thing is, i finally aproved. 

And that was my recess week, i did not rest a lot, but, it is what it is, now finally i have my drive license, now the only problem is: i don't have car.


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